is about comparing lenses and cameras with exact photos taken under real life conditions. There are a lot of comparison and reviews sites in the internet. But most compare technical specs, give a few sample photos or even compare photos but under studio conditions. In we try to Take EXACT photos with the compared camera/lens. Try to take the photo in real life (not in studio) and where possible under different conditions (sunny weather, low light, indoors etc.) Share full size photos with you so that you can download and compare results yourself
Well, if we had them, we would! :) We compare and review the equipment we have as well as publish comparisons reviews which are submitted to us. There are thousands of different camera & lens models around so obviously it might not be possible for us to have them all and compare them so we know we miss a lot of them. We kindly ask you compare the lens/camera you own and submit to us for publishing. This might not help you get the review you are looking for but it can help somebody else and if more people contribute to this cause, its more likely that you will have the review you are seeking as well.
Yes, you are welcome to submit your review to us. We appreciate every review send to us and glad to publish them in our website (and with your name too). However to have a standard and level of quality in our reviews, we kindly ask you to be careful about a few issues in the reviews you submit: Take EXACT photos with the compared camera/lens, at the same time and under same conditions & configuration Try to take the photo in real life (not in studio) and where possible under different conditions (sunny weather, low light, indoors etc.) You can make sharpness tests under studio like conditions but for sample picture we appreciate if photos demostrate some different characteristics. Please submit full size photos with your reviews We don't have a minimum photo limit for comparisons but plenty photos will be appreciated. We don't publish just a single photo comparisons