Exact Same Photos : Exact same photo taken with two cameras or lenses
Full Size Images: Full sized photos ready to be downloaded or examined
Unmodified Photos: Photos as they came out SD card. No modification, no photoshop, no post production.
Side by Side Comparisons: Compare photos next to eachother
Real Life Photos: A lot of photos taken outside in real life conditions exactly as you will take them.
100% Crops: For most of the photos we also provide 1:1 pixel crops from various parts of the image.
Stats: PhotoAgainstPhoto.com is currently hosting 2587 comparisons from 5599 photos of 40.47 Gigabytes for 19 cameras and 48 lenses. Our latest registered member is Garmcrypto7Cleak. Registration is free for everyone.
Same chart is photographed with different lenses in different apertures and focal lengths so that you can compare them side by side.
PhotoAgainstPhoto.com is currently hosting 56 official sharpness tests for 33 lenses. In our database 1540 different cross comparisons can be performed with these tests.
Same chart is photographed with 8 different cameras in their all available ISO settings. You can review the tests seperately for each camera or compare them side by sides out of 28 different cross comparisons.
Barrel distortion is straight lines' bending outwards due to lens's optical design. It can be very prominent in sky horizon photographs so in our test we shoot a clear skyline with wide angle lenses (upto 50mm) to demonstrate their barrel distortion. Currently we have 42 official skyline barrel distortion tests for 25 different wide angle lenses. You can make 861 cross comparisons with them.